Saturday, November 14, 2009

What easy-to-care-for plant can I buy to help clean the air at home?

Not too big and not too expensive please. Suggestions thus far are bamboo palm, rubber plants, and dracaenas. I am not a plant person and need a plant that is forgiving. I live in one room and don't have a lot of space.

What easy-to-care-for plant can I buy to help clean the air at home?
First choice, hanging Spider Plant, (Stenotaphrum). These plants are attractive hanging plants that will occasionally bloom nice white flowers for you. They can hang over your sink near the kitchen window or will grow in your bathroom provided there is sufficient light. This tropical and subtropical plant is wide spread. They require mininum care, some water and light, with a standard potting soil. They are easy to propagate with cuttings, and these plants do indeed clean the air as do all plants through respiration, pollutants are removed with the plant processes.
Reply:A plant isn't going to clean your air.
Reply:Peace Lilly, even if you neglect them, cut off the dead leaves, give a little water.... and they bounce back. Also, they don't need direct sunlight.
Reply:ferns and ivorys and an air purifier
Reply:you are wise!!! plants do clear the air of your home. i am very attached to my plants...try a philodendron variety. they are very low maintenance and when you clip off a peice of the 'mother plant' you can vertualy grow the peice you clip.

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