Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leaves discoloring on Corn Plant (Dracaena Fragans)?

I bought a healthy looking Corn Plant at the supermarket the other day. I know, my bad, never buy plants from the supermarket. But this one looked strong and healthy and it was cheap. I hear they are very hardy, but already some of the leaves are discoloring. The discoloration is a dark brown, and it's happening in the middle of the leaf, as opposed to the tips. It almost looks like some kind of toxic substance dripped on them, but that couldn't have happened in my house. I don't see any bugs and the leaves are not limp and there are no other signs of distress. The plant was fairly dry when I bought it, which is good because sometimes the grocers will over water them.

Does anyone know why this might have happened or if it's a sign of trouble?

Also, if anyone has a healthy Corn Plant, do you have any good tips about watering and light?

Thanks :)

Leaves discoloring on Corn Plant (Dracaena Fragans)?

I had a dracaena that developed grayish-brown areas on the leaves. Why?

The gray indicates a fungal problem. This can be avoided by increasing air circulation, keeping the plant a little bit drier and lowering the humidity.

Troubleshooting Problems with Dracaenas


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