Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have Dracaena Janet Craig plant and the leaves are getting yellow spots then turning brown. Help...?

The plant 3 feet tall and is currently indoors and getting indirect light and about 16oz of water per week. The leaves first get yellow spots then turn completely yellow and then brown and die off...What can I do to save this plant?

I have Dracaena Janet Craig plant and the leaves are getting yellow spots then turning brown. Help...?
Leaves that turn brown often indicate a build-up of salt in the soil. To correct this condition, take the plant where you can water the plant until soaking wet and in the process leech out the soil. Put it back indoors where it will get low to medium light. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. It also needs medium humidity. If you can, fertilize at least once a month.
Reply:could be over watering or to much lime in the soil. this article has some great tips about gardening that might help you better

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