Monday, May 11, 2009

How do I cure brown leaves on my Dracaena plant?

Am using plant indoors. Slightly sunny spot.

How do I cure brown leaves on my Dracaena plant?
Dracaenas like a minimum of 55F and light shade. No direct sunlight. They need to be kept moist at all times, so do not let them dry out. Also, do not let them sit in water, as this will cause root rot and will kill them. Unless your house is humid, you will need to mist the leaves regularly. They will need to be repotted every two years. They do need fertilizer. You can use a slow release pelletized fertilizer (like osmocote) that will release everytine you water or some powered stuff you add to water every 3 weeks or so. Just make sure you READ THE LABELS on fertilizers and follow the directions!

Brown leaves are caused by either too little water, the temp being too cold or by dry air. Keep it away from drafts (like heat/ac vents) and chilly windows. When you water it, put it in a sink and let the water drain fully before placing it back in it's dish. You may try using distilled or spring water if you are using city water. Chlorine isn't all that great for plants.

I hope this helps!

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