Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yellow leaves appearing on my dragon tree (dracaena marginata) Is this normal?

It is positioned in my living room is this room to warm for it?

Yellow leaves appearing on my dragon tree (dracaena marginata) Is this normal?
if they are the lower leaves, it may be a sign of not enough water. I like when they loose the lower leaves. They look like "palm trees".
Reply:I was told yellow leaves are a sign of the wrong balance of light or water. Put your plant on a dish with water in it that will allow the roots to soak up as much water as it needs on a regular basis. Make sure it has access to sunlight (but not direct as I remember for this plant)
Reply:Tips for Growing Healthy Dracaenas

What are the light requirements for dracaenas?

They are tolerant of low light but will do their best with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sun in the afternoon. Plants grown in low light grow very slowly.

How much water do they need?

Dracaenas do well with a weekly soaking. Do not allow them to stand with water in the saucer for more than an hour or two. They may need a little more water in the warmer months. Avoid allowing dracaenas to dry out completely.

Do they have any special temperature requirements?

They tolerate a wide range of temperatures and do well in almost any indoor environment. If it is especially warm, be sure to provide extra water.

Do dracaenas need much humidity?

Dracaenas are very adaptable. While most of them would like moderate humidity, they can all tolerate dry or very humid air. Ideally, they would like to be misted every few days.

How much fertilizer do they require?

During the spring and summer, feed them once or twice a month with a water soluble fertilizer. They don't require any fertilizer in late fall or winter.

What type of soil do they prefer?

Any quality well-drained potting soil such as Exceloam.

When should I repot my dracaena?

If your plant outgrows the container, repot it in spring, but keep in mind it likes to be a bit potbound.

Will they need any grooming?

Dracaenas tend to collect dust on their leaves and will profit from an occasional shower or dusting. You can wipe dust off with a damp cloth. Use plant shine sparingly. They will occasionally develop some brown tips that can be simply trimmed off with a scissors.
Reply:It's just the way they grow (if it's just the lower ones yellowing and dropping). Like any plant, they constantly put forth new foliage at their growing points and drop the older stuff. You can cut them back if you wish limit their height. They will just pick up from where you cut them off, often times with two or three new branches instead of one.

Dracaenas like things a little on the dry side. Don't overwater them, feed them about once a month, and if you live somewhere other than the desert, throw them outside during the summer in a light shade spot, they'll flourish. I put several of my plant outside under the trees for the summer and they go nuts.

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