Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How can I root my cuttings from a sick Dracaena Massangeana (Corn Plant) house plant?

I have a Dracaena Massangeana that is having a lot of problems. It had one good “stalk” coming out but almost all the leaves have died except the tiny little new leaf in the middle, but that hasn’t shown growth in months. The “stalk” itself is becoming dry and brittle, but still some greenness at the top. The trunk itself is soft to the touch, which I know is a bad sign. I had gotten excited months ago when from below the soil (near the roots) another “stalk” came out. This is still healthy, with some leaves, but has not grown at all.

It is around 20 feet away from two large North windows in a very bright apartment. I had watered it regularly until it became sick, but I’m scared to over water it now.

Can I save this plant? How? Should I just make cuttings of the two stalks instead? Please be very detailed. Thanks!

How can I root my cuttings from a sick Dracaena Massangeana (Corn Plant) house plant?
Sounds like your main trunk is dead and rotting. Cut your good stalk off. Dip it in some rooting hormone powder and just stick it in another pot with new dirt. Keep it moist (not wet) and it should root in a few week and start growing.

You should rip the whole plant apart and cut off the healthy piece that sprang up. Repot this with your other cutting.

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